According to the Environmental Assessment (EA) Act Cap 65:07 ; Section 24, reads: The Board shall – (a) Register and Certify Practitioners in terms of Section 38 of this Act.
Applicants must apply for registration and certification ONLINE using the appropriate application form, provided.
All first applicants are required to have been registered as an Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP), first. That is for a period of 2 years for Bachelor’s Degree holder and 1 year for a Master’s degree holder.
- Application Criteria (for SEAP) is provided as per Schedule 4, From B, Regulations 10(2); of the EA Regulations Cap 65:07.
- Application Form (for SEAP) is provided ONLINE.
- Fill in the FORM (Application for SEAP) provided
- Check, fill in, attach and tick listed required necessary documents.
- Fees payable: “Application fee = Registration fee” is non-refundable.
- Once Board Approves your registration as a SEAP; an annual subscription and certification fee will be required as per Form C (regulation 10 (3) and 11).
- NOTE 1: All applications must be addressed to the Executive Secretary
– in accordance with Section 39 of the EA Act Cap 65:07; - NOTE 2: Application and all documents/attachments must be submitted as hard copies (hand delivered) – twelve (12) printed copies are required, one of which should be marked “Original”, while the other eleven
(11) should be marked “Copies”. - NOTE 3: only Approved applicants will be Registered as SEAPs and issued with a practicing certificate valid for 12 months.
- NOTE 4: Each SEAP’ must provide evidence of participation in different stages of EIA/EMP, as well as clear specification/description of role played in each EIA/EMP project/study – MUST be included / form part of the team of each project/study participated in.
- NOTE 5: an UPGRADE to the next level category of Registration & Certification, is encouraged. The next level here is referred as the Principal Environmental Assessment Practitioner (PEAP).
Note:* Must have been registered as an EAP first.
* Qualifications in Environmental Discipline – is a key requirement.
i) Registration/ Application (once-off non-refundable fee)
* All applications must be accompanied by a proof of payment.
* Application fee is non-refundable.
Banking Details
Important Note: Applicant’s names should be used as a reference otherwise the fees will not be traceable to them.
Account Name: EAPB
Bank: FNB
Account number: 63079800760
Branch: Riverwalk Plaza
Branch Code: 285267